A sponsored dog walk in Anstey has raised much-needed funds for a local animal charity.
45 dogs set off from the Barrie Stephen hair salon on a gentle jaunt around the Castle Hill
Country Park, led by Barrie and his beloved black Labrador, Dolly. Once the walk was over,
the group returned to the Nook Corner Coffee Shop for a well-earned rest and “Pup-occinos”
all round.
At the rest stop, they were joined by two surprise guests – miniature donkeys!
The gentle animals were brought out in support of the event by Anita Withers of The Phoenix
Children’s Foundation. The Foundation works to give children and young people enrichment
opportunities. Their animal-assisted activities provide positive and joyful experiences.
All of the money raised will go to Leicester Animal Aid, which is based in Huncote. They
rescue and rehome dogs and cats, as well as run services like their unique Community Pet
Support Scheme which helps provide people who are elderly, housebound or have
disabilities with free professional support to help them care for their pets.
“I’m delighted that so many people and pets turned out for our sponsored dog walk,” said
Barrie, who is LAA’s ambassador and has raised nearly £19,000 for the charity during his
time in the role. “Charities like Leicester Animal Aid are really feeling the pinch in these
tough economic times and I am so pleased that we were able to raise so much to support
their important work. I’d like to thank all of the local businesses and charities that have
stepped up to help us create such a fun day.”