Walkies got serious this week as committed dog owners and their canine pals joined forces to raise much-needed funds to support the local charity Leicester Animal Aid. Organised by Patron of the charity, Barrie Stephen, the walk started out on a grey Sunday morning from Barrie’s King Street Leicester salon before heading up New Walk to Victoria Park for a run and a game of fetch. Sponsored participants then headed back down to the city for a warming drink and doggie treats.

The event was part of Barrie’s four year involvement with the charity, during which time he and his team have raised over £15,000 for Animal Aid. “One of my favourite childhood days out was my mum taking me to Huncote to see the dogs. Leicester Animal Aid inspired a lifelong love of animals in me and I love being able to give something back to them” Barrie said. Sunday’s event raised £800 in total.